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John Oakes

Upon finishing his PhD in social and economic geography, John succumbed to the untreated childhood PTSD that had plagued him his entire life. He went to the dark lands for many years, right to the very edge in more ways than one.

After six hellish years of going it alone, he finally was forced to seek treatment. It saved his life. But it was only the beginning of a long and arduous journey.

As he clawed his way back from severe PTSD, depression and panic disorder, he managed to lose nearly 200 pounds. Despite that accomplishment, two years into treatment, he still grappled with debilitating panic and depression.

However much he still suffered, John had already developed a personal philosophy on recovery and personal transformation that was so coherent and insightful it changed the way his clinician treated other patients, with immediate positive results. The clinician pushed John to share his ideas with the world.

The rest is history.